Our speaker on June 14th was Gloria Ferris, one of the founders of the Brooklyn Centre Naturalists. Gloria introduced us to the organization and its activities. She spoke about the National Wildlife Federation’s Certified Wildlife Habitat initiative, the requirements for registering our homes, and the benefits for neighborhood wildlife. She also outlined the steps for certifying one’s community.
Category: Speakers
Beekeepers Matt O’Brien & Mike Gallagher at May 10th meeting
Matthew O’Brien and Michael Gallagher gave a presentation about bees and beekeeping. In addition to the slides which included information about bees and bee culture, they brought some of their equipment and a hive. Pictured here — a demonstration of the honey extractor. Attendees were treated to a sample of delicious honey. Pretty sweet!
Erin Richardson, OSU Extension Service, at April 8th meeting
Erin Richardson from the Ohio State University Extension team spoke about the Master Gardener program, the Summer Sprout Program, garden soil testing and more:
Master Gardeners complete training in horticulture with the Ohio State University Extension Service. They then volunteer their time to provide such educational services to their communities as: answering gardening questions from the public; conducting plant clinics; gardening activities with children, senior citizens, or disabled persons; beautifying the community; and developing community or demonstration gardens. To learn about the Master Gardener Program in Cuyahoga County visit: cuyahogamg.org
Summer Sprout and Suburban Community Gardening programs. There are now 250 community gardens in Cuyahoga County. Summer Sprout is a partnership between OSU Extension and the Cleveland Dept. of Community Development. Find the Urban Ag workshop schedule here: cuyahoga.osu.edu/sites/cuyahoga/files/imce/Misc_Files/ANR/2016_AgWorkshopSchedule.pdf
Soil testing. The recommended source for soil analysis is the Univ. of Mass. Soil Lab. Ms. Richardson shared tips for collecting soil samples for testing. Information about the Lab and its services can be found at soiltest.umass.edu
The American Community Gardening Association Annual Conference will be held this year in Cleveland, August 4th – 7th at Cleveland State University.